
Latest Sermon:

Healthy Self Evaluation After Historic, Epic, Gigantic Sovereign Moments

Previous Sermons:

The Leadership of Jesus in the Age to Come

The Power of the Gospel for Spiritual Fathers

Israel’s Irrevocable Calling: the Kingdom of Priests

The End of the Age Intercession Movement for Israel

Declaring War on Covetousness

The Problem of Cynicism and the Spirit of the Age

Contending Night and Day for the Beauty of the Church

The Wrath of a Bridegroom God: Intercession Will Save the World

Counted Worthy of This Calling: The Fullness of Sacrificial Love

Counted Worthy of This Calling: Intercessory Missionaries

Compassion From Christ for the Poor: Releasing the Kingdom on Earth

The Anchor of Hope in a Great Storm: the New Jerusalem

The Rage of the Nations at the End of the Age

Preparing Our Hearts Together for the Coming Storm

The Just Shall Live By Faith: Faith to Receive Correction

Our Reasonable Service: Engaging With the Promises of God (Rom. 12)

Equipped to Overcome Suffering Through Fellowship with the Trinity

Finding True Rest When Weary, Burdened, and Weighed Down

Jesus: King and Judge + Question and Answer Session #3 (Grace Church: St. Louis)

Jesus: King and Judge - Question and Answer Session #1

Jesus: King and Judge - Question and Answer Session #2

The Triumph of Beauty: the Glory of the Church at the End of the Age

Contending Night and Day for the Greatness of the Church

Transformed by the Greatness of God in the Face of Accusation and Betrayal

Breaking Out of Unbelief to Press Into Our Promises 

Counted Worthy of This Calling: the Fullness of Sacrificial Love

Contending for Revival and an End-Time Missions Movement

Creating Sacred Space to Cultivate His Presence

The Affections of Jesus in the Song of Solomon 

The Glory of Fascination and Friendship with Jesus, Pt. 1

The Glory of Fascination and Friendship with Jesus, Pt. 2

The Prophetic Church: Rightly Responding to a Kairos Moment

The End Time Beauty of Jesus as Bridegroom, King, and Judge

The Hope of Total Victory Through Pressure and Trials

Standing Without Offense at the End of the Age

Beholding the Face of Jesus

Parenting in the Discipline and Instruction of the Lord, Pt. 1

Parenting in the Discipline and Instruction of the Lord, Pt. 2

Growing in Loving Others Well: Grace-Oriented Marriage

Growing in Loving Others Well: Gospel Oriented Marriage 

William Wilberforce: Dramatic Societal Change