Meekness: the Key to Fullness

Meekness is the key to our full inheritance in Christ.  It is imparted by grace and grows through a life of prayer.  It is the key to our future because this attitude of the heart happens to be the antidote to the fires of lust that burn within us.  This raging fire of the heart is expressed through our compulsive desire to shape the world around us to serve the cause of our comfort.  It also looks like fear-based control that imposes our will to change the people around us.  These are the "advanced" symptoms of a heart filled with unbelief, fear, and selfish ambition.  Meekness is one of the most powerful weapons God gives us in our war to love Him, and those around us, well.

It takes trust and confidence in the leadership of the Lord to walk in true meekness.  To strategically and intentionally "not do" when it seems like our voice or our strength could be helpful.  The heart that is growing in meekness chooses the restrained way forward - the way of a heart at rest in Christ - and not trying to force a solution in our own wisdom and timing.

Meekness, then,  means exercising restrained focus on our small assignment while seeing "more God" as the necessary solution to the bigger problems around us.  Every passing moment in this life is an invitation to connect with the heart of Jesus.  Meekness prioritizes pursuing and experiencing more of the love of Jesus over acting on opinions and impulses.


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