Weekly Podcasts, Videos, E-books, and More:
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As this space grows, I will be rolling out a weekly podcast, posting videos, interviews, and more. This is happening soon, and I am very excited about it! I will keep you posted as soon as the first episode is finished.
For now, if you're interested, you can find End-Times Simplified: Preparing Your Heart For the Coming Storm here. This is a book I wrote in 2005 that I still find important and relevant today. It's on the subject of the end-times, and it explores the themes of the Second Coming as they tie into the Bible's emphasis on spiritual preparation. It has sold tens of thousands of copies, has been translated into multiple languages, and has served believers worldwide to connect their hearts to the leadership of Jesus at the end of the age. Recently, I've revised and expanded this book significantly and I am very happy with the latest version. I'm recommending the Kindle version to you.
You can find a fairly comprehensive list of sermons, videos, mp3 recordings, and materials on IHOPKC's website here. A number of my sermons (with notes included) can be found on IHOPKC's Resource page, located here.
The International House of Prayer-Atlanta has a fantastic mediacast that I and many of my friends have contributed to. You can find a number of great sermons there as well.
Again, thank you for your interest in resources and more from davidsliker.com. I plan on building this section even more in the months and years to come.