“Come Out of Her, My People!”

‪The left has no mercy for dissent from their justice narrative. ‬

‪The right has no mercy for the left nor any empathy for the anger of the oppressed. ‬

No one is righteous. No, not one. No one is right before the God of Heaven and Earth. No one is justified apart from Christ. No one.

‪A truly prophetic church must align with the God of Mercy rather than imagining God is aligned with our “side”. ‬

‪I call on us today to “come out of her, My people” and break free from the toxic, merciless voices on both “sides” of the national conversation. ‬

‪We need the voice of the Bridegroom to be heard and His voice of mercy, tenderness, and jealousy to burn within us. ‬

‪If you hear the arguments of the “other side” and your first reaction is to align yourself with voices that bolster your arguments - when Jesus called us to be those who pray for, bless, serve, and love our enemies - the well of your soul is polluted and needing to be cleansed.‬

‪Tune out the merciless voices. ‬

‪Lift up our eyes to heaven. ‬

‪Extract your soul from the divisive, angry voices of dehumanizing political agendas. ‬

‪Fill your heart today afresh with the voice of the Bridegroom and fight to lean into His perspective. ‬


The Cycle of Rage and Oppresion


Our Hope for the Future